Meet Alex

Alex Ballew is on a mission to use vibrational sound therapy to help people find connection with themselves and others. He wants to bring joy, authenticity, unity and hope into everything he does. Secret River Sounds is spreading healing vibrations in the name of wellness, empowerment and love.

Alex founded Secret River Sounds in 2020. He is a certified in gong therapy through Mehtab Benton and has sound healing certifications through the Vibrational Sound Association as well as the Musical Mystics Sound Healing Academy.

A healing modality

Using sounds from various instruments, sound therapy creates a vibrational massage on a cellular level. Accessing energy at this scope helps ease the listener into a meditative state, which soothes the nervous system and encourages deep relaxation.

An opportunity

Sound therapy is a powerful way to find stillness and connect with oneself. Participants are often able to let go, achieve emotional release, and access deep rest — all leading to feelings of rejuvenation, relaxation, and peace long after the experience has ended.

Disclaimer: Secret River Sounds does not diagnose, cure, prevent or treat disease. If you have a medical condition or concern, please consult an appropriate health care professional. The information and offerings have not been evaluated by any government agency or regulatory organization, including the FDA.